In a compassionate response to the devastating wildfires ravaging Los Angeles, Angelina Jolie has opened her home to friends who have been evacuated. The actress is reportedly doing everything within her power to assist those affected by this disaster. A source close to Jolie shared with PEOPLE that she is “heartbroken for those who have lost their homes or are impacted by the fires,” highlighting her dedication to helping others during this challenging time.
The wildfires, which ignited on January 7, 2025, are among the most destructive in California’s history. As of January 10, they have consumed around 10,000 structures, including homes and businesses, displacing over 80,000 individuals. Tragically, at least 11 lives have been lost due to the fires.
Areas such as Pacific Palisades and Pasadena have been particularly hard-hit, affecting many celebrities living in the region. Notable figures like Leighton Meester, Adam Brody, Anna Faris, and Ricki Lake have also had to evacuate their homes.
Celebrity Solidarity and Support
Jolie’s generous actions are part of a larger wave of support from Hollywood stars during this crisis. Other celebrities are stepping up in various ways:
- Halle Berry is teaming up with Sharon Stone to donate her entire wardrobe to provide essential clothing for those who have lost everything.
- Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have opened their Montecito home to friends seeking shelter from the fires.
- Jamie Lee Curtis and her husband have committed a significant $1 million donation to aid wildfire victims.