Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag, former stars of the reality TV show “The Hills,” have tragically lost their home in the Pacific Palisades due to a devastating wildfire that erupted on January 7, 2025. The fire, fueled by strong winds exceeding 80 mph, rapidly spread across the area, prompting mandatory evacuation orders for approximately 30,000 residents in Southern California.
On the day of the fire, Spencer Pratt shared heartbreaking updates via social media, including a video showing their home engulfed in flames as he monitored the situation through security cameras. He expressed his devastation, stating, “Nightmare came true,” as he witnessed the destruction
His sister, Stephanie Pratt, confirmed the loss and expressed her sorrow on Instagram, mentioning that their father had attempted to save the house but was thwarted by the fierce winds.
The wildfire has had a widespread impact, affecting multiple structures and prompting evacuations across Pacific Palisades and neighboring areas. Local officials reported that the fire has consumed over 2,900 acres and threatened more than 13,200 structures
In addition to Spencer and Heidi’s home, other celebrities in the area, such as Eugene Levy and James Woods, also faced evacuation challenges amid heavy traffic and chaotic conditions.
California Governor Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency in response to the crisis. Firefighters are working diligently to contain the blaze, which has been described as one of the most severe windstorms in recent years
The Getty Museum nearby reported that while some vegetation was burned, its structures remained safe.
In their moments of distress, both Spencer and Heidi took to social media to share their experiences and seek support from followers. Heidi posted a video urging people to pray for their safety as they prepared to evacuate with their two young children
The emotional toll on families like theirs is profound, with many residents feeling a sense of loss not only for their homes but also for their community. As this situation continues to unfold, it highlights the ongoing challenges posed by wildfires in California and the importance of emergency preparedness for residents in high-risk areas.